CareEnabler Knowledge Base
Expert content inspired by the CareEnabler team members’ long involvement with publications in the care sector, and now recruiting to add to subject matter experts - contributors to the new publishing paradigm that is powered by colleagues at
The Knowledge base is forever expanding - an organic tool.
The cornerstones on which the SeraCares team builds quality content are now in place and continually updated from lifetimes of expertise researched and peer reviewed via a team of over 100 experienced and distinguished expert professionals, many contributors updating text and checking references based on the inaccessible out-of-print Care Home Handbook. We now have the dynamic core of CareEnabler.
Content transitioning to CareEnabler is underway under expert guidance and strong leadership. The structure and access to the existing content and new functionality and features means that the old-fashioned printed beginning - middle and end of 18 ‘chapters’ and 100 subsections are no longer relevant
Importantly, the book never had a place where needed - at the point of care - for bedside tasks in wide-spread use in homes where hitherto learning has not kept up. The ability to refer to expertise and be better trained is now greatly improved along with confidence, job satisfaction, status, career opportunities and rewards - not least ever better care.
Topics covered include:
Resident’ Journey
Life in a Care Home
Values, Standards, Ethics and Probity
Rights and Legal Considerations
Core Nursing and Personal Care Skills
Feeding, Nutrition, personal hygiene and grooming
Common Clinical Conditions
Vision, Hearing and Foot Care
Major Medical Problems
Medical Emergencies
Mental Health
Medicines Management
Infection Prevention and Control
Managing Specific Infections
Procedures and Observations
Clinical Measurement and Observations
The End of Life
Contacting Other Professionals
What if