Olena’s Ukraine story


For the next

Ambulance Oxford to Ukraine - loaded with medical supplies -> URGENT NEED for

£3000 NOW! (every little helps). https://www.seracares.com/blog-1/olenas-ukraine-drive


“Do no harm”, doctors’ creed, is sadly more widely missing in Ukraine’s struggle. Aside from the atrocities bravely reported, a despicable few, attempting through anonymity of online appeals are fraudulently fundraising. Some are caught, but to be sure of rapid secure here is a way in which those who feel moved to contribute money via the internet can be sure it will reach those in need of medical care. To avoid risk of corruption, dilution by overheads and delay, consider the work of a remarkable young doctor - seen here with her daughter and the most recent Ambulance she acquired and filled with supplies.


Dr Olena Seminog, from Kiev has A&E experience in the Maldives before her career brought her to Oxford University where she is an epidemiologist and data scientist. Olena is co-founder with Dr Uy Hoang of Public Health Films Society, a UK regulated charity and a safe efficient vehicle through which many donations have already reliably channelled to purchase and deliver ambulances and medical supplies to war torn small towns in Eastern Ukraine.


With needs communicated direct from the devastation to Olena, she is sourcing medical supplies, vehicles to be filled and volunteers driving them from UK - including by Ukrainian nationals returning to join their struggle. Actually a fight for us all


Olena’s parents, both doctors working in Kiev, are unable for now to visit granddaughter Aurora (5) who is at school in Oxford where Mum teaches as a Fellow of a College as well as researching at The Big Data Institute and innovating with AI driven care-enabling apps. Olena is truly a care enabler !  www.care-enabler.co.uk



Although away from the front line, like so many of her countrymen, Olena is ‘on duty’ all hours - focused on delivering effective aid to Ukraine. Her other leading-edge projects must wait - another knock-on effect of the senseless war.     

                          Peter Ashby       peter.ashby@seracares.com  


https://www.linkedin.com/in/olena-seminog-ba7b86113/ Dr Olena Seminog MD, MSc, PhD @

University of Oxford | OX · Nuffield Department of Population Health, Big Data Institute and 

https://publichealthfilms.org/  registered with the Charities Commission in the UK (no. 1160590).

https://hoang.co.uk/uy/       https://www.facebook.com/PublicHealthFilmSociety


Help the #UkraineAppeal with donations to deliver ambulances and medical supplies to war-torn, small towns in Eastern Ukraine. £ to PHFS 23-05-80 44739410 - Thank you